Raised Pavement Marker (RPM)

Raised Pavement Marker (RPM)

Raised Pavement Markers are used to delineate markings under adverse conditions. These raised pavement markers have extremely high reflectivity and high impact resistance in all weather conditions. They come in various colors: red, green, blue, amber and white. Our products are environmentally friendly and specially designed for long service life performance, even on road with heavy traffic volume.

Road Pavement Marker (RPM):- 3M Make

Sizes/Specification: L 89.2 x W 101.6 x H 15.88 mm/Lens Area - 13 sq.cm, Compression Strength - 16000 Kgf & Flexural Strength - 909 Kgf

Material: Impact and weather resistant engineered polymer & Impact and weather resistant polycarbonate lens

Types: Yellow Body Yellow Lens, White Body Red Lens, White Body White Lens & White Body Red & White Lens

Molded Shank Road Pavement Marker (Molded Shank RPM):- 3M Make

Sizes/Specification: L 89.2 x W 101.6 x H 15.88 mm/Shank Length/Diameter - 30/19 mm, Lens Area - 13 sq.cm, Compression Strength - 16000 Kgf & Flexural Strength - 909 Kgf

Material: Impact and weather resistant engineered polymer & Impact and weather resistant polycarbonate lens

Types: Yellow Body Yellow Lens, White Body Red Lens & White Body White Lens

Median Marker:- 3M Make

Sizes/Specification: L 100 x W 100 x H 150 mm/Reflective Sheeting - Fluorescent Yellow 70 sq.cm of ASTM D 4956 Type XI

Material: Impact and weather resistant polymer

Types: Single Side Reflective & Double Side Reflective

Flexible Median Marker:- 3M Make

Sizes/Specification: H 180 x T 2 mm, Shank Depth - 30 mm, Reflective Sheeting - 73 sq.cm of ASTM D 4956 Type XI

Material: Impact resistant, molded thermoplastic body

Types: Single Side Reflective & Double Side Reflective

Vertical Delineator:- 3M Make

Sizes/Specification: H 800 x T 80 mm, Base Depth - 300 mm, Impact Strength - 600 J/m & Reflective Sheeting - 125+35 sq.cm of ASTM D 4956 Type XI

Material: Core & Shell Construction, Injection-molded, thermoplastic outer body, Powder coated Mild Steel of min. thickness 1.0mm

Types: Single Sided White Red, Double Sided White red-white Red & Double Sided White White-Red Red

Ellipsoid Metal Delineator:- 3M Make

Sizes/Specification: H 800 x T 95 mm, Base Depth - 300 mm & Reflective Sheeting - 335 sq.cm of ASTM D 4956 Type XI

Material: Mild Steel with min. thickness of 1.2 mm & Powder coating on with reflective sheeting is pasted

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